FAST FORWARD. No one really wants to hear about my school week WHEN they know my family is here! Right?!
AhhhH!! Did I mention, my family is here… My family is here!! I woke up way too early and had a quick run before packing up for the week. Even though I had over 5 hours to prepare before meeting them at the hotel, the time flew by before I even knew it. I made sure to pack some fresh fruit and personal hygiene goodies so when they arrived hungry and dirty, there would be no need to run around town to grab any needed stuff. I took a cab from my flat to the hotel and only had to wait twenty minutes before a taxi with my mom, sister, and Diane (a family friend) pulled up! I felt like it was Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the 4th of July all rolled up into one moment. We quickly checked in, showered, and were on our way out to the waterfront for an afternoon on the Wharf.
Above: Mom found a beaded lion... Enough said
Below: Mom and Diane looking lovely on the Water Front
The Water Front was hopping with musicians creating quite a pleasant atmosphere as we walked around for the afternoon, looking at incoming boats and looking through different shops. For lunch we stopped at a cute Belgian restaurant right on a pier. We ordered seafood and Lee was adventurous and ordered my beloved springbok. After lunch we continued walking around the waterfront, heading to a craft and wellness tent. By the late afternoon, Lee was pretty dead (and I don’t blame her), so her and I headed back to the hotel for a quick nap while Mom and Diane continued enjoying the afternoon.
V&A Waterfront!
We met up with them for dinner at Wang Thai, a restaurant literally overlooking the ocean and Table Mountain. While I very much so enjoyed the sushi, Lee was able to enjoy her first legal drink in Cape Town! Hurray for legal drinking. After my mom and Diane headed in for the night, Lee and I bar hopped while waiting to meet up with my friends for the night. We were both extremely drained but I had promised that I would introduce Lee to everyone that night. We ended up heading to Long Street, a great first introduction to Cape Town nightlife.
Lindsey, Lee, myself, and Ben on Long Street
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